





  • 前森山山頂遊覧
  • 森林散策
  • ジム・プール




  • 参加章引換券(「マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイル(DICOMO2015)シンポジウム参加申込受信連絡兼参加章引換券」というタイトルのメールを印刷したもの)
  • JTBオプション(新幹線、飛行機、バス、初日弁当)を申し込んだ場合は、各種チケット。前泊、後泊、一人部屋のJTBオプションのチケットはありません。
  • 発表者は発表用のPC、およびVGA出力端子がPCになければVGA出力用の変換機



  • 往路
    盛岡駅西口バスターミナル26番乗場付近から10:30~11:30に順次出発します。満席になり次第、先頭車両から出発します。 最終便は11:30に出発しますので、遅れないようにしてください。 JTBから郵送されるバスチケットを係員にお渡しください。
  • 復路
    閉会式が終了次第、順次出発します。 JTBから郵送されるバスチケットを係員にお渡しください。 帰りの送迎バスは盛岡駅に16:30頃に到着する予定です。


  • 往路
    7月6日までは0195-73-6400 営業部直通
    7月7日以降 0195-73-5011ホテル代表 DICOMO参加の旨お伝え下さいませ
  • 復路


お申込みは安比グランド予約センター 0195-73-5010(9:00〜19:00)に乗車日の3日前19:00までにご予約ください。参考URL:http://www.appi.co.jp/access#bus

  • 往路
    14:00 盛岡駅西口バスターミナル28番乗り場
    15:25 ホテル安比グランド
  • 復路
    9:25 ホテル安比グランド
    11:00 盛岡駅西口バスターミナル28番乗り場










  • 前泊者のチェックインは12:00から可能です。到着したら本館フロントでお名前をお伝えください。前泊のチケットはありません。
  • 夕食代と朝食代は宿泊費に含まれています。レストラン「アルベルク」で食事をお願いします。
  • 7/8以降も同じお部屋に宿泊するのでチェックアウトは不要です。荷物も置いたままで構いません。


  • 後泊者は最終日(7/10)に宿泊しているお部屋に継続して宿泊して頂く予定です。後泊者がいるお部屋は最終日にチェックアウトしなくて結構です。
  • 夕食代と朝食代は宿泊費に含まれています。指定する会場で食事をお願いします。
  • チェックアウトはお部屋の代表者が12:00までに行ってください。



  • 会場の近くにコンビニ等の商業施設はありません(最寄りのコンビニまで3km程度)。
  • 岩手銀行のATMがホテル内にあります。ゆうちょ銀行と都市銀行、地方銀行のキャッシュカードがご利用できます。新生銀行のキャッシュカードはご利用できません。


dicomo2015-inquiry < at > dicomo.orgに連絡してください。参加章にある参加登録番号と氏名をメールの本文に記載してください。事務局から折り返し連絡が必要な場合は電話番号も記載してください。なお、フリーメールへのメール返信には時間がかかります。
※< at >は@に置き換えてください。


緊急時はFacebook, Twitter, Dicomo Webページを通じて随時情報を発信していく予定です。

Clothes and belongings

Clothes on that day

It is fine to come in casual clothing. Please be careful about the local temperature. You are supposed to be outside for barbecue which is dinner on the second day or outdoor session.

Outdoor session

You can enjoy the following items at outdoor session. Please refer to it for selection of the clothes and the belongings.

  • Sightseeing on the top of the Mt. Maemori
    You can go sightseeing on the top of the Mt. Maemori by riding on gondola. Because you may feel cold on the top of the mountain, please prepare the outer wear if necessary.
  • Taking a walk in the forest
    You can be out for a walk in the forest near by the venue. Please prepare the shoes and clothes that are easy to walk if necessary.
  • Gymnasium and pool
    You can use gymnasium and pool in the venue for free. Exercise clothes, shoes and swimming wear can be rent for a charge. You may use your personal items.

Dinner on the second day

The outdoor barbecue is scheduled for dinner on the second day. Because it may be cold at night, please prepare the outer wear if necessary.

Things that you must bring

  • A print of e-mail titled “マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイル(DICOMO2015)シンポジウム参加申込受信連絡兼参加章引換券”.
  • Tickets, if you applied for JTB options(Shinkansen, airplane, bus, first-day lunch). There is no ticket for spending the night ahead/after.
  • PC for presentation and converter cable for VGA output if your PC doesn’t have VGA output.

Means of transportation

How to get on the bus between the hotel and Morioka station which is provided as JTB option

  • Outward
    The buses will sequentially depart around 26th bus terminal at west gate of Morioka station from 10:30 to 11:30. Final bus will depart at 11:30. Please don’t be late. Please take bus ticket which is sent by JTB to JTB staff.
  • Homeward
    The buses will depart immediately after the closing ceremony. Please take bus ticket which is sent by JTB to JTB staff. Homeward buses will arrive at Morioka station at 16:30.

How to get on the courtesy car between the hotel and Appi-kogen station

  • Outward
    The courtesy car from Appi-kogen can match your time if you check in with hotel staff on ahead. Please contact following phone number and inform your name and arrival time to hotel staff. The courtesy car is free of charge. If you don’t contact in advance, it will take times for the courtesy car to arrive. Until 6th July: 0195-73-6400 (This is direct line to business department) After 7th July: 0195-73-5011 (This is main phone number of the hotel. Please tell that you are participant of DICOMO)
  • Homeward
    If you need a pick-up to Appi-kogen Station, please tell the main building front desk staff. The courtesy car is free of charge. About 10 minutes are needed to arrive at Appi-kogen station. Please tell earlier, the courtesy car may be all out just before the departure time of the train.

How to get on the free shuttle bus between the hotel and Morioka station

If you should spend the night ahead or after DICOMO or return before DICOMO ended, you may get on free shuttle bus between the hotel and Morioka station. There is only one round trip each day and there are no buses before the opening ceremony and after the closing ceremony. If you want to get on this shuttle bus, please contact APPI Grand reservation center 0195-73-5010(from 9:00 to 19:00)3 days in advance before your arrival. URL : http://www.appi.co.jp/access#bus
Departure and arrival time are followings.

  • Outward
    14:00 28th bus terminal at west gate of Morioka station 15:25 Hotel APPI Grand
  • Homeward
    9:25 Hotel APPI Grand 11:00 28th bus terminal at west gate of Morioka station

Car parking space

There are sufficient amount of free car parking space. You can use this, if you come by car.

Equipment of network and electric power supply

Network environment

In the session rooms, you can use Wi-Fi connection provided by DICOMO. If a large number of users use the network at the same time, there might be difficulty for connection. Please prepare the presentation which doesn’t require the Internet access. In each room wired LAN is available. There is no wireless LAN in the room so if you need wireless LAN, please prepare the access point and a LAN cable by yourself.

Electric power supplies in the session space

The power supplies are provided by DICOMO but the number of multi plug is limited. We recommend you to prepare your own multi plug, if you need a power supply.

Lines of communication

Facilities around the venue

  • There are no commercial facilities around the venue (nearest convenience store is 3km away from the venue).
  • There are ATM of the bank of Iwate in the hotel. The cash card of Japan Post Bank, city banks and local banks can be used. The cash card of Shinsei Bank cannot be used.

Emergency contact e-mail address

Please contact dicomo2015-inquiry < at > dicomo.org and include your registration number and name in body text. If you need the calling back, your phone number is also needed. Some amount of time is needed to reply the e-mail from free e-mail service. ※Please replace < at > with @.

Emergency transmission of information

We will transmit the information as needed on Facebook, Twitter and DICOMO Web page in emergency cases. In addition we will transmit the information by mailing list. Please check your e-mail frequently.
